Lue - 2006 Subaru Legacy Outback
" My parents were helping me search for a reliable car for my cross-country trip and while driving along Boston Road their eyes caught a Subaru Legacy Outback on the lot of Boston Road Best Motors so they made a U-turn and went in to take a closer look. They liked what they saw, and had their questions answered by Jerry, who, by-the-way is t h e b e s t sales professional in the automobile sales industry. With no pressure by Jerry to make a purchase, they made an offer and a couple of days later they purchased the vehicle. Now two months and a road trip of over 3,500 miles later, my car performs like a champion. This was the best deal my parents ever got, and the coolest gift I’ve received. Thanks Mom & Dad, and Thanks Jerry for your honesty, sincerity, and professionalism! "
- review (September 14th, 2016)